How to set rate for pending order on Woxa?

3 min. readlast update: 10.31.2023

In order to check details for investing. Please click Asset and Limitation of Woxa or Minimum/Maximum to trade on Woxa before investing.  


In case you set a rate for pending orders.

1. Buy Position

1.1) Using leverage x1. You can set Stop Loss or not depending on your decision.

For set Stop Loss.

  • Minimum Stop Loss can be set at least 0.50% of the amount.
  • Maximum Stop Loss can be set up to 100% of the amount.

Remark : If you do not set Stop Loss, the platform will automatically set Stop loss at 100% of the amount.  

For set Take Profit.

  • Minimum Take Profit can be set at least 0.50% of the amount.
  • Maximum Take Profit can be set up to 1000% of the amount. 

Remark : If you do not set Stop Loss, the platform will automatically set Stop loss at 100% of the amount. 

1.2) Using leverage more than x1. Trading on buy positions must set Stop loss only.

For set Stop Loss.

  • Minimum stop loss can be set at least 0.50% of the amount. 
  • Maximum stop loss can be set up to 50% of the amount.

Remark : If you do not set Stop Loss, the platform will automatically set Stop loss at 50% of the amount. 

For set Take Profit.

  • Minimum Take Profit can be set at least 0.50% of the amount.
  • Maximum Take Profit can be set up to 1000% of the amount.  

Remark: If you do not set Take Profit, the platform will automatically set Take profit at 100% of the amount.

2. Sell Position.

     2.1) Using leverage X1 or more than x1. Trading on sell position must set Stop loss only.

For set Stop Loss.

  • Minimum stop loss can be set at least 0.50% of the amount. 
  • Maximum stop loss can be set up to 50% of the amount.

Remark : If you do not set Stop loss, the platform will automatically set Stop loss at 50% of the amount.  

For set Take Profit.

  • Minimum Take Profit can be set at least 0.50% of the amount.
  • Maximum Take Profit can be set up to 1000% of the amount.   

Remark: If you do not set Take Profit, the platform will automatically set Take profit at 100% of the amount. 

Minimum/Maximum to set Rate or Pending order .

  • Maximum rate can be up to x1000 of the current price and Minimum rate must be x0.1 of the current price.   

see also :

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