What is Woxa Payment Plan & How to access it?

1 min. readlast update: 03.18.2024

Woxa Payment Plan?

Our payment schedule operates daily, disregarding weekends and holidays. Payments are processed at 00:00 hrs (UTC) each day, reaching our partners at a time aligned with UTC, contingent on their geographical location. 


When will I receive my payment?

We facilitate daily payouts, processed by the end of each business day, ensuring timely and efficient disbursement of funds to our partners.


How can I set up my Payment Info?

To access withdrawal payments, sign in on  partner.woxa.com, navigate to the sidebar, and select the "Withdraw" option. From there, you can view your withdrawal history. To set up withdrawals, click on the "Withdrawal" option in the top right corner, enter your bank details, and complete the verification process by entering the OTP (One-Time Password).



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