The difference between positions and orders on Woxa.

1 min. readlast update: 01.15.2024

The difference between positions and orders on Woxa.



The position is a successful trade and is still ongoing. 

Position refers to the action taken by traders to trade various assets available on Woxa at market prices. This is referred to as an 'Open position' (you can check the assets that Woxa has in the Asset and Limitation of Woxa, and the assets will be listed under the 'Position' section on the portfolio page. 



The order is trading and still waiting to match the price; it is not a successful trade.   

An order is a trade involving an asset for which you specify a rate that does not match the current market rate. Your asset is referred to as a 'Pending order.' When your Pending order matches the market price, it immediately becomes an open position or entry price.




Value is allocate + loss/profit. 

See also : 

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