How to Promote Woxa as an Affiliate?

2 min. readlast update: 03.18.2024

To enroll as an affiliate on Woxa Partnership, it is essential to have a dedicated website for promotional activities. Our support team will verify websites with “https” protocol to ensure compliance and credibility in the affiliate program.

Sign in to, head to Affiliate Dashboard on the sidebar and click on New Domain, and enter the website. Upon submission, websites utilizing the “https” protocol undergo verification by our support team within a timeframe of 2-5 business hours.

Affiliate partners will receive a tracking link and a QR code, facilitating seamless integration of their website with the “https” protocol. 

They can leverage a diverse range of promotional banners in various sizes and categories to effectively showcase Woxa’s offerings on their website, enhancing the flexibility and impact of their promotional efforts.


What are Woxa's payment strategies?

Woxa follows cost-per-payment strategies that consist  of, 

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): Earn a commission for each referred user who completes a specific action, e.g., signing up on WOXA Ltd.

CPL (Cost Per Lead): Get rewarded for every lead generated, with compensation tied to user sign-ups or other actions.

CPM (Cost Per Mille): Earn Commissions based on every 1000 impressions or views of the ads an affiliated partner promotes, offering a steady compensation for exposure.

CPC (Cost Per Click): Receive a commission for each click generated through the ads promoted by the affiliate, providing a direct reward for user engagement with the advertised content.

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