How to change personal information on Woxa?

2 min. readlast update: 01.15.2024

The current process for editing personal information in Woxa can be carried out as follows:

How do I change phone numbers?

To change your phone number information, you must send your request via [email protected] on the topic of “Edit Phone Numbers.” And indicate the purpose of changing the phone number and your old phone numbers. Thank you.

*Document attached include:

-Personal document

-Current information that matches your personal document

After you send your request, please wait for the confirmation.  


How to change your email?

You can change your email by following this instructions: ​                          

Step 1: Click “Profile” at the top right of the website, then select "Settings".


Step 2: Select “Login Information,” look for Email, and click “Change Email.”


Step 3: Then enter the new email and “Confirm Password” for confirmation.


How do I change the password?

You can change your password by following this instruction:

Step 1: Click on the “Profile” at the top right of the website, then select “Setting”.


Step 2: Look at the “Login Information” section, choose ‘Password,’ and click “Change Password.”


Step 3: Enter the old password for confirmation and enter the new password.



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