Fee on Woxa's Platform.

2 min. readlast update: 01.15.2024

There are 2 types of fees on Woxa:


Types of fee on Woxa

1. Overnight fee

The overnight fee is called the rollover fee and refers to the payment for holding a CFD position overnight. Overnight fees will be charged.

2. Weekend fee

Weekend fee is when you hold your order overnight, but this will be charged x3 from the Overnight fee.

  • Commodities, Indices, Stocks, Cryptocurrency, and ETFs must be charged x3 on Friday.
  • Currencies must be charged x3 on Wednesday.

Calculating overnight and weekend fee

Overnight and Weekend fee are calculated from:

  • In a normal trade, the overnight/weekend fees will be calculated at 00.00 am GMT (+0). It will be deducted from the available. 
  • In the case of copy master, an overnight/weekend fee will be charged when you “stop copy.” It will be deducted from your copy balance. 

Therefore, available is your main wallet and copy balance is the wallet that you use in copy trading.  

Overnight and Weekend fee deduction period

  • Overnight and weekend fees will be deducted from your Available.                                                                                                
  • In the case of Copy Trading, overnight and weekend fees will be deducted from your copy balance.       

Therefore, your main wallet is available, and the copy balance is the wallet that you use in copy trading. 

Is deposit and withdrawal in Woxa taxable?

There is no tax for any transactions.

see also :

Our Videos : What are Overnight fees ?

Our Library : What are Overnight fees ? 

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